Your 40’s are the new 30’s, as the saying now goes. Yearly well woman visits are about to get hot! But not “up in the club.” Seeing your gynecologist now will help you navigate the changes that are in the years ahead.
Annual well-woman visit should be at the top of your to-do list each year. Balancing career aspirations with family planning, and staying healthy overall, your gynecologist is your starting point.
To set yourself up for success and health from ages 13-20, now is the time to start seeing your gynecologist and developing a relationship with them. Have questions that seem embarrassing? Not here.
Sometimes, a woman’s egg quality could prevent fertilization, or the uterus is not receptive to implantation, or she has trouble maintaining a pregnancy. If you want a biological child, there are many options. Here, we’ll explore egg and embryo donation, surrogacy, and adoption.
What you need to know to help him—and you—get through this.
Perimenopause can feel like a mystery. What is that? Why’s it happening? And how can I make it stop? We’ve got the clues—and the facts—about your body’s journey to menopause.
Should I be concerned if my blood pressure is elevated during pregnancy? Learn what signs to watch for.
What are some signs and symptoms of pre-term labor, and when should you be concerned?
When should you start feeling your baby kick? How often should you feel movement? Learn about what's normal and when to call your doctor.
What's your blood type? What about your baby's? Why does it matter? Watch the video to learn more.