CCRM Fertility expert Dr. Natalie Cekleniak breaks down six common myths and misconceptions about getting pregnant and what the science actually shows us.
Pregnancy Planning
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Being diagnosed with infertility can do a number on your emotions. Here, we’ll explain the grief, anger, and guilt that may come up, then share eight ways to reduce stress and anxiety.
Sometimes, a woman’s egg quality could prevent fertilization, or the uterus is not receptive to implantation, or she has trouble maintaining a pregnancy. If you want a biological child, there are many options. Here, we’ll explore egg and embryo donation, surrogacy, and adoption.
Should I be concerned if my blood pressure is elevated during pregnancy? Learn what signs to watch for.
What are some signs and symptoms of pre-term labor, and when should you be concerned?
When should you start feeling your baby kick? How often should you feel movement? Learn about what's normal and when to call your doctor.
What's your blood type? What about your baby's? Why does it matter? Watch the video to learn more.
There may be a lot of things to consider during pregnancy that you haven't even though to ask your doctor.
It can be overwhelming to consider nutrition changes while pregnant. What's safe and what isn't? Watch the video to learn more.